Our Dogs

What a fun bunch of rascals:


This dark beast is absolutely gorgeous and a true sweet heart. His tri color and amazing coat shows his impeccable lineage and health. From old lines he will make incredible puppies.


This beautiful boy is as good looking as a beautiful sunrise. His excellent lineage and genetics brings new blood to the Milehigh Collie lines and we are excited to see what’s in store for him.


This lady is a lean, very agile Collie. She produced amazing Sable puppies and is a great mother. She loves to run in the field and srastle with her kids.

Obsidian – Retired

Obsidian (aka OBI-Wan) is quite the gem. He is very loving, calm, loves to run and is our son’s favorite buddy. He is a beautiful tri-color and has produced absolutely gorgeous puppies.

Star- Retired

Our matriarch, blue girl Star is a very loyal, loving and calm Collie. She is a rare and stunning Tri-Sable Merle and we are excited to see all the gorgeous puppies to come! What we have seen so far are amazing.

We have just 4 adult breeding Collies on the farm at this time.

We are excited to help. Please fill out our contact form to start today!